Strategic Planning gets a bad rap—in so many organizations, it is a dry, disconnected, and not-all-that-strategic of an exercise. Nor is it common to see disruption, future-oriented change initiatives, and new ways of thinking. Continuous improvement at the margins is unenthusiastically status quo.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

Good strategic planning efforts can ignite an organization through shared values, direction, and committment to the mission. Planting seeds of an innovation mindset throughout your culture will energize teams eager to ascend to new heights.

Workshops and Individual Coaching

  • Creating the Future

    No one has a crystal ball, but you can make steps toward your preferred future by learning to backcast steps and timeline. Starting with the end in mind, you’ll be able to chart a course to create the future you want.

  • Environmental Scanning

    Sometimes its hard to see the water you’re swimming in and an environmental scan, sometimes called a market analysis, can offer some objective clarity. When you can buzz up to 30,000 feet, strategic moves are easier to spot.

  • Fostering Innovation

    Help your organization foster a culture of innovation where creative collisions spark something entirely new. The evolution of your company or your product is rooted in a growth mindset with an eye toward the future.

  • Planning Facilitation

    Murky and circular conversations can leave the best of teams feeling drained and uncertain. An outside set of eyes and ears can help push through any bottlenecks or difficult strategic planning conversations your group faces.

  • Board and C-Suite Sessions

    Boards and the C-suite face unique challenges. Roles, responsibilities, prioritizing strategic initiatives, and clarity in communication are vitally important for creating synergy. Cabinet and board level workshops will deepen connection, align strengths and energize the team.